Hos oss i Gud Först sammanfattar vi vårt DNA med 5 ”G:n” - loving God, Gothenburg, Grace, Gospel, and Gathering. Detta är vårt DNA, värderingar som vi hoppas märks av tydligt när du besöker oss, eftersom vi inte bara tror på dem utan också lever efter dem.
Loving God
Loving God
Loving Gothenburg
Loving Gothenburg
Loving the Gospel
Loving the Gospel
Loving Grace
Loving Grace
Paul says that the church demonstrates the manifold wisdom of God in the heavenlies - this is an amazing truth!
At GF we take the gathering seriously. Church isnt a place that you go to get served once a week. It is a family that you join spending time with each other and serving one another in love. Not always easy, never perfect; but the way God has chosen to demonstrate His wisdom!
Vill du höra mer om våra värderingar, följ länkarna nedan:
Älska Gud
Listen to Josh share about our 1st DNA value - loving God
Älska Göteborg
Josh continues our DNA series as he shares about our 2nd value - loving Göteborg
Älska Evangeliet
Aled shares about our 4th value - loving the Gospel
Älska Nåden
Guest speak Roger Bye speaks into our value - loving Grace
Att Älska Sammankomsten
Guest speaker Alan Rose speaks into loving the gathering